
Founded in 2006, Zielony Balonik (The Little Green Balloon) meets six times each year, to read and discuss works of Polish fiction, poetry, reportage and biography which are available in English translation, though some members will choose to read the original Polish. Our experiences over the past ten years have convinced us of the importance of cultural exchange, and we remain committed to the promotion of Polish literature in Brexit Britain.

Our membership is based in central Scotland (mainly Edinburgh and Glasgow) and consists of both Polish and UK nationals, with a variety of work and family links to Poland and its culture. The range of experience and knowledge that this brings to the group adds hugely to the richness of our discussions.

Zielony Balonik has previously held joint events with both Edinburgh City Libraries and the Scottish Poetry Library. We are Associate Members of the Saltire Society, and currently hold our bi-monthly Saturday meetings in their rooms at Fountain Close, Edinburgh. Our only entrance requirements are an interest in Polish culture and an enthusiasm for discussing books – we are happy to welcome new members.

Zielony Balonik takes its name from the salon of artists and writers associated with the Młoda Polska (Young Poland) movement, which met in Krakow’s Jama Michalika café in the early 20th century.


If you would like to make a donation to support the ongoing work of Zielony Balonik (including maintaining and updating this website), our bank account details are:
Zielony Balonik

Thanks / dzięki !
